Clan Maclachlan Society,
Western USA Branch
A 501 (c) (3) non-profit Corporation
Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch
United States
Join or Renew "ONLINE" Today!
Memberships now go from July 1st to June 30th and are renewable each year. If you are already a member you can renew here or conveniently renew in the Members only area!
If you would like to join the Clan MacLachlan Society, Western USA Branch we are more than happy to receive your application.
Many of our members join at various Highland or Celtic games throughout the Western United States where our clan participates.
But we also invite you to process your application
directly on line. Memberships are only $25/yr
Information/Hospitality Tents whenever possible at Highland Games and other Scottish gatherings in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and New Mexico.
Our members receive personal copies of the internationally acclaimed "Clan Lachlan" magazine published semi-annually by the parent society.
Scholarships are awarded annually for participation and studies in Scottish/Celtic art (dancing, piping, athletics, etc.), language and literature.
Social functions are a vital part of our existence such as Robert Burns dinners where you often may find a group of us in the finest Scottish tradition.
Membership in our branch includes membership in the international Clan MacLachlan Society (with NO additional dues required).
Members with internet access receive a monthly email article on Scottish history, culture, people, places and things entitled, "Bagpipe, Kilt and Caber".
Copyright 2010 Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch. All rights reserved.
Clan Maclachlan Society, Western USA Branch
United States